Thursday, April 30, 2009

  • Obviously everything that has been said about Mikey (ND8V) is true.
    The good news is that as long as he is making a fool of himself here, he's not on the HF Bands,
    embarrassing the United States in front of the whole world!

Kent KB9YZL in “The Life of Riley” on 2 Oct ‘03

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

  • From: "mike guernsey"
    Subject: apology
    Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 21:56:38 -0400

    HTML Attachment [ Scan with Norton AntiVirus | Save to my Yahoo! Briefcase | Download Without Scan ]
    george im am apoligizing for the things I have said and done it was wrong and I hope we can start over. I ment no harm to you this on the air antics is not good again im am sorry i hope you will accept my apology. thank you mike nd8v

Geo. N9VTB in “The Life of Riley” on 1 Oct ‘03

  • "Cut Riley some slack. He's doing the best job he can (and a good one at that) in an underfunded operation"
    Yeah, right. Let's see.. One agent, one radio, one night with one tape recorder parked in front of the QTH of this
    moron ND8V (what...nobody knows where he lives? Is triangulation dead? Is QRZ offline?)

Ted KC5NYJ in “The Life of Riley” on 29 Sep ‘03

Sunday, April 19, 2009

  • And I thought this thread was going to be all about the effort to get k1man off the air, which in itself has been a very long-running thorn in the side of the U.S. HF hamatuer scene. It instead becomes a hideous noveletta about a group of morons who QRM k1man and then go on to fight with some other ops who chanced to operate nearby to 14.275??
    I can kindof sortof see looking the other way at guys who are attacking a large offender ie: k1man, but they can't even keep their attention focused there.

HAMFAN in “The Life of Riley” on 28 Sep ‘03

Friday, April 17, 2009

  • Since I don't frequent the HF Bands, I haven't had the "pleasure" of hearing firsthand from the people that are mentioned in this article.
    However, if all of this is true, then it seems to me that all you Extras and Generals need to clean your own house before you start moaning about the occasional ex-CBer who gets a "No Code Tech" license.......
    At least they tend to be only a local embarrassment, not international!

Kent KB9YZL in “The Life of Riley” on 28 Sep ‘03

Thursday, April 16, 2009

is KZ8O behind this latest and most bizare attack on the kosher ham

here is the reporting further it seems to maybe trace out of Kzoo michigan and theonly party in this

Is kz8o is he behind it? I don't know
is he being set up by his foes to appear guilty? I don't know
is is he being set up to look guilty by his friends? (and does he know and support such an effort if it is happening?) again I don't know

if you feel calling my wife a shemale in an effort to harm my sales a bad thing consider buying something at the shop or just

some amount of your choice

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

we interupt this blog

for a tea party account return ing now to your regularly skeded blog
  • The FCC on October 17, 2000, sent a Warning Notice to Extra licensee Michael E. Guernsey Sr, ND8V, and threatened the licensee with revocation and suspension proceedings. The Notice cited "monitoring information and complaints before the Commission" alleging that the licensee had caused deliberate interference on 20 meters "particularly communications of Hispanic operators and truckers when you perceived them to have an improperly 'wide' SSB signal or a signal which in your opinion exhibited excessive microphone gain,"…. The FCC said it's heard allegations that the licensee may have used profanity and obscenity on the air and that he may not have identified by call sign. "Information further indicates that on April 20, 2000, you deliberately interfered with communications in progress between the Maritime Mobile Service Net and a maritime station on 14.319 MHz."…. On October 2 and 13 … the licensee "apparently transmitted on 14.310 and 14.313 MHz with a signal not identified by call sign and deliberately interfered with ongoing communications, using profanity and obscenity.”… The operation described "is contrary to the basis and purpose" of the Amateur Service, and if it recurs, the FCC intended to designate Guernsey's station license for revocation and his operator license for suspension for the remainder of its term.

Riley to Mike see 17 Oct ‘00

Monday, April 13, 2009

  • Funny how a few of the same troublemakers from 14.313 are STILL up to their old habits on 20 mtrs. and none get their ticket pulled…. I guess the remainder of the so called "Goodfellas" are looking for a different fight and choose to side up with Mikee up in 8 land to feud and destroy 20 mtrs. Some of these characters are also of the same mindset on 75 mtrs. at night and proclaim "ownership" to certain frequencies they happen to operate on…. Why will Riley make a big deal out of repeater violations and other vhf squabbles and matters, but seems to look the other way when known troublemakers do their thing for years and years? Selective enforcement perhaps? Makes one wonder doesn’t it?

Richard KE4ZHN in “The Life of Riley” on 27 Sep ‘03

Saturday, April 11, 2009

  • On several occasions I have heard ND8V transmitting on 14.275.
    Has Mikey escaped from radio prison?
    Has he been furloed??
    Is he thumbing his nose at the FCC???
    Has his brain turned to tapioca pudding???
    Is he the latest KC5WHN????
    Has anyone ANY information.
    Has anyone half a brain??

David KB1EVE [now WA1BHV] in “ND8V” on 11 Jul ‘03

Thursday, April 9, 2009

  • Ok, so this idiot [ND8V now KZ8O] has had no less then 7 letters from the commission.... WHY does he still even have a ticket? What must someone do to get booted? Obviously this guy isn’t capable of acting like an adult on the air, so why not just pull his ticket and be done with it?

“HAMDUDE” in “FCC Alleges Michigan Ham Engaged in Deliberate Interference, Threats:” on eHAM 26 Apr ‘03

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Under separate cover the Commission is forwarding to you a recording of transmissions from your station on March 26, 2003, on the 20-meter amateur band. These transmissions consisted of threats to another amateur operator, deliberate transmissions (calling "CQ") on top of ongoing communications even while acknowledging those communications, broadcasting, and deliberate interference…. Since December 2002, we have received complaints about deliberate interference from your station on the 20-meter amateur band. The operation of your station over the last several years raises questions about your qualifications to remain a Commission licensee. While some of the interference results from personal disputes or from what you apparently perceive as deliberate interference to your station from other stations, you have apparently ignored our written and verbal warnings not to retaliate by on-the-air counter-interference. The tape that you will receive indicates that on March 26, 2003, you made repeated personal threats to another operator and in spite of acknowledging transmissions from the other station on the air, proceeded to transmit on top of his communications even after you had terminated your earlier communications--those that you apparently felt were interfered with. You apparently perceived that his interference to your earlier transmissions was deliberate. Whether that was the case, deliberate retaliatory threats and transmissions on top of the communications are against Commission rules, and indicate that the numerous warnings to date have little, if any, effect in regarding to bringing your operation into compliance with Commission rules. [N.B. The 1st infraction/”Warning Notice” listed by Riley was on 4 Nov ’98—before the formal Logs begin!]

Riley to Mike see 7 Apr ‘03

Sunday, April 5, 2009

  • I logged my time on the band (14.275.00) at 1200utc/march26 and I heard you loud and clear having a qso with ve7kfm, your signal is about 5by8 but ve7kfm is slightly weaker. I clearly heard you first on the band before nd8v started calling cq without even calling if the frequency is in use.

Elmer AC7EI to Geo. N9VTB cc Riley 26 Mar ‘03

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Commission continues to receive complaints about your appropriation of certain frequencies, and your interference to certain operators who attempt to use them. The frequencies complained about are 14.262, 14.275 and various other frequencies on the 20 Meter Amateur band. You are reminded that frequencies in the Amateur Service are shared…. You have been advised before regarding such incidents, specifically on November 14, 2000. We also note that your authority to operate below 30 MHz was removed on that date as well, for a period of nine months. You were also issued a Warning Notice concerning the same issue on May 20, 2002. This is the last warning you will receive in regard to operation of ND8V. Any future incidents of such operation, even a single incident, will result in a monetary forfeiture and revocation proceedings against your license. We also request that you refrain from operation on the 20 Meter Amateur Band until these matters are resolved.

Riley to Mike see 25 Nov ‘02

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

april fool

hi mike